Part 1: How to Prepare Your PC for the SN-CLI: Installing Prerequisites

by Jake Laux and Freddy Reza

When getting into ServiceNow Component Development, you’ll have to configure your PC for SN-CLI installation! We’ve put together a list of instructions to make the installation of prerequisites as easy as possible. 


  1. Install Node & NPM 

  2. MacOS 

  3. Link to Install NVM, download, & install 64-bit MacOS Installer 

  4. Windows 

  5. Link to Install NVM 

  6. Download “” 

  7. Unzip, run as administrator, & accept defaults 

  8. Open Command Prompt & run “nvm install 12.6.0" 

  9. Run “nvm use 12.6.0” 

  10. Install Git (Instillation for MacOS and Windows

  11. Install VSCode (or your favorite IDE) 

  12. Python3 (Installation for MacOS and Windows


If you need more details / context you can check out our Setting up the Now UI Framework on MacOS blog post for Mac OS or our Setting up the Now UI Framework on Windows blog post for Windows. These articles run through setting up the prerequisites, configuring the CLI, creating a component, debugging steps, and getting started with a “Hello World” example.