Part 3: How to Manage Your SN-CLI Profiles
by Jake Laux and Freddy Reza
When developing components, you’ll need to leverage an SN-CLI profile. This is especially important if you’re working with multiple development environments (for instance, if you have a personal and organizational profile or work with multiple clients). While some people may be able to set and forget their default profile, we at esolutionsONE have found ourselves having to update, remove, replace, and refresh our profiles frequently enough to warrant a blog post!
Cases where you’ll have to update / remove / refresh / add a profile:
Your developer instance times out, and you want to connect your SN-CLI to your new dev instance > Remove your old profile and set a new one with a profile name provided
You need to work on a new ServiceNow instance > add a new profile
Your connection is no longer working > Refresh your profile
You want to create your first profile and set it as default > set profile with no name provided
Cases where you’ll have to use your profile to run a command
When you want to develop (and you want to use a profile other than your default)
When you want to deploy (and you want to use a profile other than your default)
Profile Management Commands >> These can also be found in the SN-CLI Cheat Sheet
Profile Commands can be found here -> Configure and Manage your ServiceNow CLI Profiles
Creates a default profile if no other profile exists
snc configure profile set
Creates a profile with the name specified
snc configure profile set --profile [profile-name]
Displays all configured profiles
snc configure profile list
Removes the configured profile using the name specified
snc configure profile remove --profile [profile-name]
CLI refreshes the connection for default profile
snc configure profile refresh
CLI refreshes the connection for named profile
snc configure profile refresh --profile [profile-name]
Starts Development *****
snc ui-component develop --open --profile [profile name]
Deploys the component to your specified profile's instance if you have permissions to do so
snc ui-component deploy --profile [profile name] --force
Hopefully, this helps demystify SN-CLI profiles! Now that you’re an expert, you may want to bookmark our SN-CLI cheat sheet to have a quick list of helpful commands!