Setting Up the Now UI Framework on Windows

By Jon Lucktenberg


Note: Anything in <> brackets with be replaced with details by the person reading this article (ie. The user’s credentials for basic auth, foldername, project name, etc…)

Setup FAQ

ServiceNow Developer FAQ

Install Node & NPM

Install nvm (node version manager) here

  1. Download the setup zip file  
    -Shown in figure 1 below

GitHub release page showing NVM setup files and maintenance release details.

2. Unzip and right click to run as administrator and accept defaults 

3. Open command prompt as administrator 

4. Run “nvm install 12.6.0” to install node 12.6.0

5. Enter “nvm use 12.6.0” in to the command prompt to set the correct version of node

Download and ServiceNow CLI here

  1. Unzip and run as administrator snc-1.1.0-windows-x64-installer using default selections
    -Application file not run file 

    -Security warning may appear, if so, choose “Yes” to prompt

  2. Open the command prompt as an administrator 

  3. Next install the ui-component extension 

snc extension add --name ui-component

4. Install the latest version of yo

npm install -g yo@latest

Note: yo ( is installed with the ui-component extension. It is a scaffolding tool that's leveraged by now-cli, but is out of date in the ui-component build.

Configure your CLI 

  1. Enter the following into your command prompt 

snc configure profile set

2. Host: <MYINSTANCE> 
- Your instance cannot be inactive/sleeping when you try to connect 

3. Login Method: Basic 

4. Username: <MYUSERNAME> 

5. Password: <MYPASSWORD> 

6. Output method: JSON 

7. Ignore warning of instance “not supporting” 

Create a project folder on your computer 

  1. Make a new folder in the directory you want to develop in 
    -This folder must be empty in order to create a new NowUI project in it

  2. In the command prompt use cd to navigate to your project folder.  

cd C:\Users\User\Desktop\NowUI\VM Test 2

3. Create a project. Name MUST have a – in it.

snc ui-component project --name < PROJECT NAME > --description '< DESCRIPTION >'

4. Install dependencies
-This always needs to be run after creating a new project

Npm install

Open Visual Studio Code 

  1. In Visual Studio, go to file -> open folder. Navigate to your project folder

  2. You should be developing in the index.js in the x-123456-name folder

Visual Studio Code editor showing a JavaScript file named index.js with code imports and a function.

Developing locally 

  1. Open a command prompt and navigate to your project directory 

  2. Run the following command 

snc ui-component develop

3. If successful it should say “Compiled successfully”
-The command prompt should also present this when you save the changes in your index.js file 

4. To see your component, enter the displayed port into your browser. Enter this into your browser to see your current work. 

Command line interface showing server running at http://localhost:8081 with webpack compilation status.

5. If you want to stop developing enter ctrl+c to stop development. May have to hit it a few times.

Deploying a component (stop developing before you try to deploy) 

  1. Enter the following in to the command prompt 

snc ui-component deploy

2. If successful, you should see the following:

Command prompt showing webpack deployment process to ServiceNow, including deprecation warnings and successful deployment message.

3. To redeploy after you make changes

snc ui-component deploy --force

4. To find and see your component go to UI builder in the ServiceNow app navigator

5. Open an existing experience and add your component to it.
-Unless you changed the name of the component it will be called my component 

Setup F.A.Q.

Issues with developer instance authentication and 401 errors while trying to create new projects

-We encountered an error where the CLI would still reference an old PDI even after using snc configure profile set (This did update the config file in the CLI install folder). Using the below command seemed to fix it.

-Another error we encountered was a 401 failure when trying to create a project even though we successfully connected to the instance using snc configure profile set. Using this command seemed to address that error as well.

-We are currently unable to connect our CLIs to San Diego version instances.

-You can find old credentials stored for each instance you have connected to by navigating to Control Panel\User Accounts\Credential Manager in the control panel.

snc ui-component login {instance_url} basic {username} {password}